CAD is the main cause of death
in industrialised
countries [6]. For that reason, an early detection as well as an
method to rule out the presence of CAD is very important. In addition,
reliable and noninvasive test would offer big advantages for the
Conventional coronary angiography
(CCA) represents the gold standard when the presence of CAD is
suspected, although
in almost 60% of the cases no revascularisation is necessary and the
examination only serves a diagnostic purpose [5]. CT has become the
most frequently
used alternative imaging modality to CCA and offers two important
First, the examination is noninvasive, which considerably reduces the
risk for
the patient and, secondly, from an economical point of view, the
examination is
more cost-effective [9].
A meta-analysis by our group pooling
the results of several studies has shown that the accuracy of CT in
with a low to intermediate pretest likelihood of CAD is quite high (97%
sensitivity, 87% specificity) [8]. These patients are most likely to
from a CT examination and a negative CT result
excludes the
presence of CAD with very high certainty [4, 7]. Nevertheless, previous
and meta-analyses had to rely on limited summary patient data. By
performing an
IPD meta-analysis, we will be able to carry out a more detailed and
analysis and thus increase the generalisability of the results.